There are only two weeks left of the Lake City Farmer’s Market. We had dinner there on Thursday, admired the beautiful bouquets of dahlias (only $5) and made off with some end-of-season berries. We also ran into three friends; it’s a great little community market. As residents of a big city, it’s easy to get lost in the massive, face-less mob of humanity. The market is a nice reminder that we live in a great neighborhood, filled with fantastic people.
A few weeks ago my friend A told me about an acquaintance that dresses her children exclusively in neon colors. This was as I was desperately trying to spot Ben in a sea of other kids at the playground. She’s totally onto something. I’ve often thought about attaching a helium balloon to my kid...or buying him this. Knowing Ben, he’d probably dig it.
Today we went to a birthday party for one of Ben’s buddies. The theme? A BOX party. It was rad; each kid came with a cardboard box that they added to the massive collection. They built with them. Made mazes. Hid in them. Constructed a massive fort.
Here’s the aftermath:
And hey! They make great baby corrals, too.
One last note: I took a few pictures as the birthday boy (not shown) was blowing out the candles. My boy is in the blue plaid shirt. Do you see what he’s doing? He’s got his finger in his mouth, like he’s tasting something.
Now why on earth would he be doing that?!

The birthday boy’s mama is pointing at Ben. I’d imagine she’s saying something like: “Dude, BEN, hands off the cake until we’ve at least blown out the candles!”
Enjoy the last of this sunny weather, my dears.