Monday, September 15, 2014

Halloween is very serious business 'round here

Ben has been in a bit of a tizzy this week over Halloween. He simply cannot decide upon a suitable costume.

I suggested an owl, or a fish, or a monkey, but they weren't quite exotic enough for his taste. This kid likes a grand entrance. 

On Saturday we went hiking on the Iron Goat Trail (deep, dark woods, the perfect home for a strange forest creature) and he decided to be a yeti. " A scary yeti, mom. "

On Sunday he went to Remlinger Farms, rode a pony, and decided to be a cowboy. 

And today he saw a picture of a circus master, decided he liked the smart red jacket, and decided that would be his final costume. Emma would be the lion. 

But I have a feeling that he'll have a few more ideas when he gets home from preschool so don't count on the ringmaster being the final selection. 

At some point we're going to have to cut him off so we have ample time to make or acquire his costume. The only constant thus far is that he'd really, really like an Elmo trick or treat bag for which to store his loot. Perhaps he should be a pirate. 

Yo ho, yo ho, it's off to trick or treat we go...

[That’s Ben at his first halloween. Cluck!]