We took a super-short trip down to the Washington and Oregon coasts a few weeks ago to visit family.
It was typical coast weather: overcast and slightly muggy but the rain held off so we considered that a success.
There was plenty of beach combing and a little bit of wading. Note the water level on Ben’s pants.
We’re still getting the hang of traveling with two kids. Invariably we wake somebody up when we arrive at our destination. In this case it was Emma. Note the frowny face.

We stopped at the (tiny!) Seaside Aquarium to feed the seals and check out the fish.
My favorite: the octopus.
Although others are partial to the wolf eels, they kind of freak me out.
I’ll spend my time with the frog fish instead.
Despite being memorial day weekend, Seaside wasn’t too crowded. It’s looking a little dated though. I think next time we’ll venture a little further south. Tillamook sounds good. And that’s not just because the ice cream factory is located there...