We’ve had enough intermittent rain this spring and summer to keep the succulents alive but kill off many of the weeds. The green/brown combo, from afar, is rather striking.
The succulents, while initially getting a slow start at spreading, have also been having a gangbuster year. The hens and chicks (not pictured) are especially doing well. It’s nice to see some significant progress and I hope that it’ll just keep getting better these next years.
The poor vegetable garden, on the other hand, is having a rough start, mostly due to my laziness. I planted the cool weather germinating crops (lettuce, carrots, beets) during a heat wave and did a poor job of watering them. Also, the raspberries, and their associated weeds, are infringing on the western edge of the beds, and need to be beaten back (but not until we’ve finished the berry harvest). I have a feeling that it’s going to be a skinny harvest for us this year, vegetable-wise.