My friend Megan noticed that I’ve been pinning quilt ideas on Pinterest and thoughtfully brought over her copy of Last Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson.
Inside was a tutorial for a sweet little baby quilt. It’s technically not a whole lot of quilting - there is no patching involved, for example, but it was a good place to start as I thought it was a good fit for my ability level. So off I trundled to the store to pick up some supplies.
And this is what I ended up with:
A sweet little flower print on the top and a soft blue flannel for the underside.
Sweet, but not obnoxiously baby-ish, right?

We have a quilt that belonged to my grandmother and while it’s quite beautiful, it has so many stitches running across the surface that it’s almost stiff. And segmented. You know what I mean? Not quite sure how to get around that, other than to limit the rows of stitches, as much as the batting allows.
Funny story about my grandma’s quilt: when she passed away, my mom offered it to me. It’s a great quilt and I thought perhaps she’d made it herself. I went home: “Look Chris! I have my Nana’s homemade quilt!!” . I kept up thinking that right up until I went to wash it and noticed a tag by the maker
Right. Not homemade.
This has been a fun little sewing project and I’m looking forward to attempting Ben’s quilt. I’m going to use a hodgepodge of saved-up material so hopefully I won’t have to buy much besides the batting and backing fabric. Be sure to check out my friend Amanda’s Newbie Quilt-Along tutorial - I found it to be exceptionally helpful when looking for supplies and learning quilting techniques.