A few weeks ago I finished Ben’s corduroy overalls (although not in time for his birthday).
They were my first clothes sewing project. There are parts I like: the buttons, the scooped neckline, and the pockets. The fabric is beautiful. And there are parts I wish had turned out differently: my first attempt at buttonholes, the baggy drape, and the too-wide cuffs at the bottom.

Unfortunately, these overalls are designed for a child of much wider girth that my slim little boy. We could have fit two of him in the original pattern. I slimmed it down a bit when cutting the out the fabric - but not nearly enough. Live and learn.
The pattern also called for buttonholes. And while my machine could probably handle that task, it was buried under the mass of stuff that was packed away during our home remodel and I decided just to go ahead and free-hand the stitches. Not the best look, in hindsight. Well, (yes, you guessed it) live and learn.
Depending on my ability to re-find my sewing machine, I might attempt this little bunny for Easter.