It’s snowing. Our first snow of the season. Not cool, Seattle.
Ok, back to pertinent news of the world [according to Sonja]:
How do you feel about heights?
Hedgehogs! As toothpick holders. Cute, but let’s be realistic: I would use this exactly once. And then it would be buried in the back of my kitchen crap drawer.
Homeward bound, Alaska Style.
Do you ever just want to throw out/donate/recycle the entire contents of your house? [Don’t answer that, Christopher] Living with less. A lot less.
The Top 20 World’s Most Beautiful Living Spaces. Lists like this exist so that you can disagree with them. And why are there three in Switzerland and St. Lucia each? What about Africa? Australia? South America? Besides, that fancy pants Jade Mountain Resort in St. Lucia is perched on top of one of the steepest hills in existence. Almost too steep for cars. Hauling yourself up that thing on a daily basis is a ball-busting, 2,000 calorie expenditure. Believe me, you won’t feel like a beautiful compliment to that beautiful space when you finally drag your sorry derrière through the entrance.* No, no, no, this list is WRONG.
The location probably ranked as my No. 1 place to stay: Sindabezi Island in Zambia.
Although I wouldn’t say no to any of these, either: Golden Triangle Tent Camp, Little Kulala (Namibia), or the 4 Rivers Floating Lodge in Cambodia.

For my mother: Confessions of a fritillaria addict.
Pacific Science Center has a live-feed Naked Mole Rat Camera! sweeet.
*Nope, we've not stayed at Jade Moutain. But we have stayed at the adjacent and lovely Anse Chastanet, which is perched on only a 1,000 calorie expenditure hill. And, full confession: Jade Mountain is so expensive that they don’t make you haul yourself up the hill; you arrive at the top of the mountain via helicopter and then have a personal (4 wheel drive) golf cart to chug you up from the beach. But STILL.