Thursday, February 14, 2013

I’ll trade you one soggy day for...

Oh my. Today is one of those grey seattle days that has me dreaming of warm water and tropical alcoholic drinks. With nary a toddler in sight.

Is that horrible? I love this kid but he is especially crabby today and a break would be lovely. Chris was a peach yesterday and came home early. 

Speaking of warm water, I never did post our Kauai pictures. Here is Team J doing a wee bit of diving.

 That one of the right with the neon yellow mask? That would be me. Chris says that’s how he IDs me in big scuba groups. Or perhaps he looks for the diver that’s off wandering around and not paying close attention to the diver master. Also me. 

Can you find Chris?



PS: I am so going to live in this house. Forever. Or here. Or here. I’m not picky.