Friday, February 01, 2013

Find O' The Day: Little Table

I get my scavenging tendencies from my dad. One time I flew into Seattle and my dad picked me up from the airport. On the way home we stopped at the Center For Wooden Boat’s annual rummage sale. I picked up a few charts (good wrapping paper) and a pair of white mechanic’s overalls (good beekeeping suit). What did my dad find? A mast and sail. It wouldn’t fit in our car so he threw it on the roof, put his arm out the window, and held it in place as we drove home. All the way from South Lake Union. 

Thus it will come as no surprise when I spied this table on the side of the road and creatively managed to wedge it into the prius. I’ve been looking on Craigslist for a month for a small table. I almost bought one at Ikea the other day but decided the $25 price tag was too much. 

And then? Voila? 

Free table. 

I think both the table and stool are due for a makeover. 

I’ll keep you posted!
