My Dears,
We just got back from a quick trip down to Orange County. Oh my, the weather was LOVELY.
It was a super quick, spur-of-the-moment trip. Chris was scheduled to head down to San Diego for work. Feeling slightly jealous that he was going to be enjoying that sunny weather without us, I looked up ticket prices on a whim.
$150 roundtrip to Long Beach on JetBlue.
[Sorry, are the all caps annoying? I hate getting emails with them; I feel like people are yelling at me. This isn’t shouting (I promise), just a really excited “heck yeah, I want those tickets!”].
Ben and I zipped down to Long Beach and Chris took the train up at the conclusion of his meeting.
Oh, there are parts of Southern California that I miss desperately. Friends, weather, food....
I am convinced there is no place that is as beautiful or as pleasant as Orange County in January. August is a different story.
We had time to stop in and say hello to old cowokers. [Yay Waterstone Hiking Club! A quick note: I was so, so sore from the halvsies. Seriously out of shape].
We did our favorite hike (although we missed not having Bailey to do it with us):
We even saw deer. A first. Hard to see in this photo but it’s taken with a phone so bear with me:
We drove by our old house. Looking good little casa!
Ben was on the 5am wakeup plan (he didn’t get the memo about vacation schedules, clearly) so we got up early every morning and wandered down to the beach to commune with the surfers:
This kid was in beach heaven.

Our favorite little spot: Corona del Mar.
Newport is pretty nice too, though. I’d never seen the water that clear.
We also got to see a few dear friends and their babies - I can’t believe it’s been four years since we left.

We zipped over to the Irvine Regional Park and Ben got to go on his first pony ride. He loved it. I wasn’t sure he was going to go for it - but once Chris plopped him on and buckled him in, he was hooked.
Our little buckaroo.
Thank you OC Peeps for a wonderful time! We’ll be back, and for longer, next time.