Wednesday, January 09, 2013

In the Name of Science

Hey Peeps,

A friend from college is working on her PhD research and needs your input! Plus, there are prizes from Amazon. Always, a good thing, yes? :)

Here are the deets:

Due to my survey topic, there are a few requirements for the types of employees who can take my survey. If you personally do not meet the criteria for taking the survey, please forward this e-mail invitation below to any individuals (friends, family, colleagues) who do meet the requirements for taking the survey! To participate in the survey you…
…work 30 hours or more per week (on average)
…be 18 years or age or older
Must *NOT*:
…work for a government or non-profit organization
…be employed in a limited duration position (your position must be permanent)
…be a member of a union
Please take the survey and forward the link to friends/family/colleagues as soon as possible. You'll be entered into my raffle for sixteen $25 gift cards! The deadline to take my PhD survey is January 20th at 11:59 PM PST.

