Wednesday, December 12, 2012

DIY: New Lightbox [with wooden frame]

I spent an hour last week constructing this light-box. Basically, it’s a lot like this one except a little bit sturdier as it has a wooden bottom and support structure. 

I used 2x2s for the frame and 1/2 plywood for the bottom. Twelve screws later, and viola! A lightbox. 

Tissue paper is on the sides and top, while a large sheet of butcher paper makes up the backdrop. At some point I’ll probably change out the butcher paper for something with a little more visual interest. 

It’s not perfect, but it’s a start. Clearly I need to monkey around with the lighting a bit more.

You might remember that I had one of these back when the chickens were wee little chicks but it bit the dust - the birds kept pooping on the butcher paper and well, that doesn’t make the for prettiest of backdrops. Wax duck candles are much tidier.