Box assembly: I used six small jewelry boxes, one iphone box, and 18 blue favor boxes. Paint boxes (or not). I left the blue ones alone and painted everything else.
Print number templates and mod podge them onto the boxes. Decide upon the final layout.
Glue boxes down onto the inside cover of the binder. Use painter’s tape as a guide to making them square.
By turning the binder inside out and fastening a ribbon between the two covers, this advent calendar will be well-suited for a table-top.
Unless you have small children. In which case, this will happen (most likely on December 1st):
Which is why ours is a hanging version:
When Christmas is over, remove from wall and fold cover down onto the boxes, creating a thick ‘book’. This should protect the boxes during storage.
- 11x17 Three Ring Binder, interior mechanism removed.
- 25 Small Boxes.
- Paint.
- Mod Podge.
- Number template. Free. Link to labels here.
- Scissors/exacto knife.
- Glue stick/gun.
- Assemble and paint favor boxes.
- Paint binder. You could also mod podge fancy paper onto the binder in lieu of painting.
- Print out numbers on a color printer. I had mine printed for about $3 at a local print shop.
- Cut out numbers and paste onto boxes with Mod Podge.
- Arrange boxes on binder backing and glue down with a generous helping of hot glue.
- Cut hole in binder for table-top or hanging assembly.
- Fill with goodies!
More pictures here.