Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Prep: Ben’s Christmas Present

While we were in Hawaii, Ben’s memory card game from Pinhole Press arrived in the mail. 

The hardest part was deciding which twelve pictures to select for the final product. 

In the end, we went with the oldies but goodies - the ones we love because they make us laugh (Ben and his toothbrush) and remind us of fun adventures (Chris diving in St. Lucia)

The cards themselves are almost four inches square and are make of ultra thick cardstock - which is good, as they will be subjected to rough handling by our little bambino. 

That picture of Chris bundled up in his snowy parka always reminds me of the guy on the tail of the Alaska Airlines planes. The newest photo is the family picture at Machu Picchu. 

I thought the $20 price tag was a tad bit steep, considering the final product is 24 pieces of cardstock, but they have online specials and free shipping offered occasionally so that helps a bit. The quality is also exceptional. 

We are definitely looking forward to many Memory games this year. 

Alex!! Are you up for a re-match?!

