Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pinhole Press


Do you ever run across a company’s website and instantly adore all their products?

It’s not something that happens frequently for me.

Yesterday I was in search of some holiday card inspiration and stumbled across a stationary store called Pinhole Press.

Oh my.

Instantly smitten.

Their products have vibrant colors, thick papers, and panoramic photos. There is also a simplicity of graphic design that appeals to me.

Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Labels! For wine bottles, favor boxes, and snail mail.
2. Photo albums. Peeps, you KNOW I am a sucker for a stellar album. Especially ones that have lie-flat photo spreads.
3. Mini Book of Names and Faces. I made one of these for Ben last year. I thought I was so cleaver to come up with this idea. Nope. It’s already been done. And their super-thick pages and spiral binding will probably hold up better than mine.
4. Flashcards. A is for Apple, B is for Ben... Perfect for that little kiddo that is learning the alphabet.
5. Memory Game. I’ll bet you a triple decker chocolate fudge sundae that you can’t beat my sister-in-law Alex at Memory. The girl is amazing. That said, I think this may be the personalized Christmas present for Ben that I’ve been looking for this year.  Family members? Goofy faces? Favorite animals? The possibilities are endless.

I’ll keep you posted.

