Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hiking Adventures


I hope you had a great weekend. Our's was a glorious mix of outdoorsy stuff: hiking, gardening, and enjoying the sun. 

I don't have much time to post but here are a few pictures that I grabbed off my phone from a few family hikes this month. We may be in the middle of June Gloom here in Seattle but that is perfect weather for a mosey in the forest. 

The Beast always likes to be in front. Lord Hill Regional Park. 

Probably the only flat section of the Heybrook Lookout Trail. As the guidebook said: "Short and sweet and a tad bit steep!"

At last, there is the lookout.  "FIRE! Nine o'clock!" jk. No fires were seen. At least not by us.

This picture was taken from the other direction: looking down. That blue dot on the left is Chris/Ben. Warning, this climb is not for the folks that get queasy in the knees when it comes to heights. Or for toddlers. Better to keep those little ankle biters on the ground. 

Ben - not enjoying the scenery. 

The beaver pond at Lord Hill. 

Daddy and Baby - at St. Edward State Park

Do you notice a common theme here? This kiddo plays hard and rests hard.

