Monday, April 09, 2012

More Wildlife in North Seattle

Whoohoo for North Seattle! We had the deer, now we have Chinese Pheasants! 

First it was my parents telling me about their male pheasant that has been an infrequent visitor to their yard over the past year. And then it was my neighbor John telling me about the pea hen (the female version) that had been noshing at the seed scatted about below his bird feeder. 

Then Megan and Eric had one in their yard. 

And then, yesterday Chris saw this guy, along with two gal pals, sauntering down the road:

Here is a closer, pixilated look:
I believe that he's a ringnecked common pheasant and we've been told that one of the neighbors a mile north of us has been breeding the birds and then setting them free. 

He's quite a show stopper, isn't he?

Now I really want to see one.