Friday, March 30, 2012

North Seattle Peeps: Please provide support for turning the LC Fire Station into a community center

North End Seattlelites! We need your help, por favor!

The old, abandoned fire station in Lake City could potentially become a permanent home for our farmer's market, a BikeWorks station, or a civic center.

Yes!! Finally a space that better meets the needs of folks living in the area, will give children a space to safely spend time, and bring in more business to our retail core.

The period for public input ends April 4th so now is the time to provide some feedback.

Here is some background information on the situation.

Please sign this petition or send an email to Richard Gholaghong ( and let him know that you would love to see the area better meet the needs of North End Residents.

Here is a sample letter (which I just cut and pasted into an email):

Dear City of Seattle,I am writing to you regarding the former Fire Station #39. As a resident of Lake City, my neighbors and I believe there is a critical need in Lake City for positive, constructive activities for a diverse set of populations, including youth and seniors. The city documents this in the current RFP for the Lake City Community Center, stating, “recreational opportunities for people of all ages are in short supply.”The FS #39 property sits at a key intersection where the Lake City civic core, business district and residential area all meet. The City Council has an opportunity to support the entire Lake City community by using this pivotal piece of property to help build a strong civic core. Therefore, we request the FS#39 property be transferred to the Dept. of Parks and Rec. and used for civic activities. These activities could include:

a. BikeWorks and a Boys & Girls Club
b. A multi-purpose indoor/outdoor space providing a permanent location for the Lake City Farmers’ Market as well as a venue for outdoor movies, music and theater.
c. A vibrant community center with programming equitable to other DPR facilities.

A strong civic core is essential in creating a positive environment for the many vulnerable populations already living in Lake City. As density in the area continues to increase, the need for programming and civic amenities only grows. Members of local civic, retail and service organizations already recognize the need and overwhelmingly support this proposal.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to the wishes of Lake City residents.


Muchas gracias, my dears!! xxoo, Sonja