Saturday, March 24, 2012

Garden work

My Dears, 

We sure loved the sunny weather today. We spent our time outside doing a bit of garden work. Chris showed Ben how to do some raking. Gotta get the kid started early in the yard work department. 

He was more interested in eating dirt. 

We also managed to dig up and move this jumbo rock that was in the way of our landscaping project. As the children of engineers, we felt our pride was on the line. Failure simply wasn't an option. Lots of grunting, shoveling, and levering later, we finally moved it out of the way. 

Sweet success. 

[I swear, it's a big rock, despite looking like a wee little stone in this picture]

And then it was time to get our little grubber out of his muddy clothes and into a desperately needed bath. 

I love this baby, dirt and all.