Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm ready for some good news. The wars are awful.

Oh My Dears. I've been reading about the two journalists killed in Syria today and the whole situation, for everyone - the country, its people, the professionals covering the news - it just terrifyingly heartbreaking and unjust.

In reading the obit for Marie Colvin though, this quote stood out and has continued to haunt me all afternoon:

In her final dispatches she sought to alert the world to the tragedy unfolding in Homs telling the BBC yesterday: 'I watched a little baby die today - absolutely horrific, just a two-year-old been hit, they stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the left chest.
'The doctor just said "I can’t do anything". His little tummy just kept heaving until he died. That is happening over and over and over.'

Read more:

Ever since Ben was born, I find that I am especially affected by stories of children. Perhaps because I can picture the horror if something similar happened to my own wee babe?

Regardless of the reasoning, it makes me want to hold on to my loved ones and never let go.