Monday, November 21, 2011


My Dears,

What Christmas/holiday traditions to you have in your house? I’m casting around for ideas.

We hung up my mom’s long colorful stockings (mine was always the glitter one) and set out cookies for Santa.

And I will swear to you that I heard him come one night when I was about seven years old. I remember the sounds (and the feeling of elation) very, very, clearly.

Chris fondly remembers special reading time with his papa:

PS: Would it be terribly awful if I wrapped up a whole bunch of empty boxes for Benjamin to ‘unwrap’ this year? He thinks toys are ok but he really loves tearing paper and playing with ribbon.  It reminds me of the time that I really, really wanted a Barbie house. I think I spent more time playing in the giant box that the house arrived in than I did playing with the cotton candy-colored toy.