Thursday, August 11, 2011


We’ve had a few big ‘firsts’ in the past week. 

The unfortunate one was that I passed my cold along to the kiddo while we were in Alaska. I had thought I was suffering from my normal allergies but that proved to be an incorrect assumption. Ben promptly spread the love to both of his grandparents.  Not exactly the hostess gift I wanted to bring up to Anchorage with me. 

El Bambino was pretty miserable for a few days, with liquids emitting from all orifices, and a funky red blotchy pattern around his eyes that appeared whenever he was tired. He was a sick kiddo. 
Fortunately, it only lasted a few days and he seems to be back to his normal chipper self. 

On a slightly brighter note, Benjamin tried solids for the first time last night. And by solids I mean mush. Mushed yams, to be precise. 

It took a while to get used to the spoon and the trick of moving the food into the back of his mouth. Fortunately this child comes from a line of good eaters and he proved to be a quick study. 

He may look sad  but that’s only because we’re out of food (minus the stuff on his face)

He literally licked the bowl clean. 

I guess we should cook up a few more yams, then.