My Lovelies!
I hope you had a fabulous weekend. We did a little housework, a bit of gardening, enjoyed a few meals out on the deck and were generally lazy.
What can I say, it’s summer. Relaxing is at the top of the agenda.
Here are a few pictures from our traveling adventures from earlier in the month.
We may have confused you with our vague ramblings regarding various weddings and travel destinations. It was our fault, not yours, so let us set the record straight:
1. I took Benjamin up to Alaska for a week to visit my in-laws and attend Chris’ brother’s wedding reception. You’ll remember that Greg and Katherine (the aforementioned brother and his lovely wife) got married last October in Hawaii. In August they held a wedding reception in their hometown of Anchorage. Not wanting to miss out on the grand fiesta, Benjamin, Megan (my Seattle Sister-in-law), and I trooped up there for a week to attend the festivities and hang out with the family.
2. Chris went east to Cape Cod as he was a groomsman in the wedding of a dear friend that very same weekend. He was missed by the Alaska contingent. 

I only have one picture of Chris’ trip so I’ll post that one first:
Ta da! Christopher in a tuxedo! In case you can’t tell, he’s the tall one on the far right. I’ve never before seen my dear husband in a tux. It looked like a gorgeous wedding and I’m looking forward to seeing more pictures. I took a peek at the website of the resort where it was held and it looked stunningly beautiful.
Meanwhile, Benjamin and I were headed north. The bambino took his very first airplane ride:
Which wasn’t fabulous. He was very, very wide awake:
But it was totally worth it as we got to hang out with Auntie Alex:
And the rest of the family. His grandma has a knack for getting him to quiet down for a quick snooze:
The only downside was the we got sick. And then got everyone else sick. Fortunately it only lasted a few days.
Team J was in charge of crafting the wedding cupcakes.
We made lots of test batches. And then appointed ourselves the official taste testers.
Sixty cupcakes later we crowned ourselves professional confection-ers.
yum, yum, yum.
One night my in-laws hosted a BBQ for out of town guests and this wee little guy decided to make an appearance on the bocce ball court. Yay for wildlife!
Speaking of wildlife, Megan, Eric, and I trucked downtown to try out the local speciality: reindeer hotdogs. They were seriously scrumptious. Sorry Santa.
Megan also communed with the local bruins:
All in all, it was a nice time spent with family and a fantastic party in honor of the newlyweds. I failed to get a single picture of the grand shindig, despite taking my camera. [Alex, would you mind sending me those pictures of the three of us that we took out on the balcony? Those would be fun to post.]
The flight home was also much better than the flight up. Mainly because the wee tyke decided to snooze for most of it. Hallelujah. Here he is contemplating his toes. Or perhaps trying to eat the seatbelt? yuck.
Hope you had a great weekend!