Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Chris!

So I can assure you that when I pictured myself turning 30 it did not involve a 100 mile bicycle ride with 4,000’ of elevation gain. Dear husband: you are crazy! [But in a good way]

Here are they guys (Chris on the left, my dad on the right) coming across the finish line. Ben and I were the cheering committee.

We had cake. 

This version had a whipped ganache with I liked slightly less than the regular chocolate ganache but was easier to spread. This was a a humdinger of a cake as it had four layers so there was lots of tricky icing being done. Probably not the most structurally sound confection. 

 Megan came over and we had dinner, opened presents, ate some cake and then the birthday boy trooped upstairs to bed. He was tuckered out.

And now, I too, am following the rest of my family to bed. It’s been a rough week on the baby front.  Interestingly enough, the hens were the last ones to bed tonight. They are making the most of this lovely weather for foraging opportunities.