Sunday, May 01, 2011

The Week in Review

My Lovelies, 

I hope you had a great weekend! Ours was pretty low key: big breakfasts, a few walks, and [more than] a few naps. 

Here are a few photos from our last week:
 Every year we go through all our files. It is one heck of a process: saving the few important documents and ditching the rest. Our poor dining room took a beating for a while but it’s slowly being restored to its less cluttered self. Next up: getting rid of the millions of old magazines I have laying around the house.
 Randomly, Chris and I have been on a daily smoothie kick. There must be something about this nice Seattle weather: it makes me pine for fruit. This lovely specimen is a humdinger: yogurt, soy milk, [frozen] blueberries, mango, spinach, bananas, and orange juice. Yum! Any secret ingredients that you add to your smoothies?
 I’ve been working on a few furniture pieces. This small stool I picked up a trash heap on the side of the road; it was formerly a child’s chair. After a quick refinishing and new coat of paint, it’ll have a new home in Benjamin’s room. More on that later.
 After nearly three months, I finally got around to designing and having Ben’s birth announcements printed. I had fun making a few fancy versions for Benjamin’s birth book and hope to have them all in the mail this week. I will be so glad to have this project behind me.
And my biggest news is that the kiddo’s room is finally completed. Hooray! I’ll post final pictures tomorrow. Here’s a sneak peak at one of the projects: This is a nifty little hanging rod that will allow us to switch out artwork on the wall as his tastes change.

Hope you have a great week, my dears!