Sunday, May 01, 2011

In the Blogging World

My Dears! What have you been up to lately?!

Actually, I have a pretty good idea what some of you have been busily working on. Shall we take a gander at a few projects posted by your fellow bloggers?

Amanda over at The Cozy Pumpkin just completed this custom baby changing pad cover [complete with built-in toy] for her Etsy Shop:

Photo: The Cozy Pumpkin

Colleen at Freaked Out ’n Small whipped up these delicious-looking Banana Walnut Chocolate Chunk Cookies:
Photo: Freaked Out ’n Small

Marcilla at Mama Crafts made this oh-so-very-cute train shirt for her daughter. Amazing that she still has time with the number of suspenders she’s turning out for her little boy (and fans):
Photo: Mama Crafts

Linds in DC [of Un Amor Para Siempre fame] is touring that City’s museums and landmarks and proving once again that she has a fabulous eye for fashion [check out these ahmaazing swimsuits].

Photo: Un Amor Para Siempre

And last but not least, Jessika [of Life is Good] down in P-Town is refinishing this awesome desk, training a new puppy, oh and doing minor things like moving into a NEW HOUSE.

Photo: Life is Good.
And that, my dears, is an update on your fellow talented readers.

This is fun! Let’s do it again.