Sunday, April 10, 2011

My dears!

I hope you are having a great weekend.

On Friday we left the tyke with my parents to see the Mariner's home game with Megan and Eric. It was our first time away from Benjamin as a couple - it was nice to leave, but also nice to come back to our sweet baby. Thanks padres!

On Saturday we started painting our closet a nice mud color. We'll see how it turns out. We also attended our birth class renunion. So many cute bambinos! Definitely glad we went. I loved seeing the kiddos.

We also had dinner with the fam on Saturday - always a relaxing evening.

Sunday morning it was back to the closet to continue painting. We are close to finishing. Baseboard is next.

And tonight I get to see both my mother-in-law and sister-in-law! A great weekend.

Pictures to come shortly.