Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weekly Benjamin Photos (Weeks 2 and 3)

So, this may very well be nuts, but I’m going to attempt to take a photo of our little guy each week for the first year. So far I’m batting 1000 but I do have a tendency to start out strong and peter out mid-way through. 

This is not a unique idea; in fact, I stole it directly from several friends who have documented their children’s age milestones in this way. Sadly, I’m not photographically or technically advanced to do what the awesome people over at Young House Love have done (despite their tutorial) so I cast around for a slightly different version of the week-by-week documentation efforts and the photos here are what I came up with.

 I worried initially that I wouldn’t be dedicated enough in my picture-taking (and, like I said earlier, we’ll see how good my follow-through is) but judging by the number of pictures of Benjamin that we’ve taken so far AND the number of pictures of Bailey that I used to take on a weekly basis… I’m not sure that’s going to be a problem. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
photo: Alex J
We’ll keep you posted on how this little experiment turns out. 



Click the icon to see all of Benjamin’s Weekly Photos.

Ben - Weekly Photos