This week's rants are as follows:
To our beleaguered city and the decimated operating budget: turning down the temperature of both the swimming pool and the showers in order to save on heating costs... Understandable and probably necessary. But damn it makes for a cold swim!
Wishing that this last month of pregnancy was a wee bit more comfortable. I'd also like to be able to see my toes again.
And the raves:
To my mom for informing me that the average American consumes 140 pounds of sugar on a yearly basis... And then promptly requesting a piece of my homemade apple pie. Yes, the stats might be appalling, but no mortal can deny the need for pie!!
For being 38.5 weeks pregnant. Baby J might make an appearance in the near future. Come on baby!
For the tradition that Chris and I started of going out to lunch after all of our midwife appointments. I look forward to our quiet little dates; I'm going to miss them once the (above-mentioned)squalling babe arrives.