I've never before seen a president in person. Either current or former.
So yesterday Megan and I decided to remedy that deficiency.
President Obama was in Seattle for a rally for one of our WA state senators, Patty Murray, at the University of Washington. We got up at the crack of dawn and headed down to campus.
Where we were met by these hordes of people:
20,000 of them, evidently.
We stood in line for a few hours, people watched, and moseyed past a few protesters:
Some were kind of funny:
Some were bizarre:
And some were downright tacky:
We finally made it in to the stadium, though. Hooray!
It's been a while since I've been to anything political in nature. It was loud. Reminded me of a pep rally.
We listened to a few state representatives, the WA State governor, Senator Patty Murray, and then...the president:
It wasn't until we got home that we realized that the president had spent his entire morning (while we were waiting in line) at one of his 'backyard chats' only two blocks away from the house...