Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Greg and Katherine's Wedding


You all know how hard it is to not spill secrets. On occasion, the desire to share those little private tidbits is overwhelming. You want the entire world to know your joyous news. I can't tell you how hard it was to keep quiet about Baby J's existence for three whole months. Some things just need to be shouted from the rooftop, yes?

Such was the case for this grand happening. A few months ago Chris' brother Greg and his fiancee Katherine decided to have a tropical wedding on the lovely island of Kauai. Since it wasn't my big news to share and since we try not to post anything on the blog until after the event has already occurred, I was left with the difficult task of keeping my lips sealed. Not an easy challenge, let me assure you. 

But now that they are officially married...well, I can tell the world, right? Or at least all of you lovely readers.

So here goes:

Greg and Katherine are married!!

A close friend of the couple officiated and it was a wonderfully touching ceremony. So personalized and sweet. Beautiful poems, thoughtful vows, wonderful new traditions. 

I loved it. It was my favorite part of the whole day.

Later we had dinner, dancing, and cake eating, also at the house. A spectacular day.

It was a beautiful wedding and I can't wait to see the professional pictures. 

Good thing we have a family of snap-happy amateur photographers to provide us with some early shots. All the photos in this post were taken either by Alex or Eric

The full album of Alex's photos can be viewed here

Congratulations Katherine and Greg! Here's to many, many happy and joyful years together.