We are experiencing serious baby clothing cuteness overload here since Katherine's visit on Friday. She brought down probably the most adorable set of shoes I have ever laid eyes on.
When your baby is a model of decorum, he can wear these 'princely' togs:
But when the little ankle bitter is, well...biting ankles, flip those clogs inside out and his shoes match his mood:
Is is wrong that we want to keep the "little monster" permanently on the outside?!
And from Baby J's grandparents:
Dinosaurs! My favorite! Why don't they make baby clothes for grownups? Seriously, I would like a footed onsie. In dino print, please.
Cherie told me that all the clothes she bought in sizes 3-6 months...except for the hat: 6-12 months.
Which was probably a very good idea.
Especially since we are in the land of the tall people:
It's teeny sock vs. big sock! I love this picture!