We have a really awful habit of attempting to do house projects immediately before the arrival of guests. Like the time I mopped the floor minutes before a dinner party, only to find that I used too much soap and the floor had become a sticky wasteland that glued people's shoes to the floor. Or the time that I used flea powder on the carpeted stairs, only the have the vacuum violently die. Our guests then walked in the door, right on cue. Such is my life.
So it wasn't much of a surprise to Chris when I announced that we needed to perform a mini-makeover on the upstairs bathroom. Five people were going to be using it and there was no place to hang towels, the faucet was a leaking relic, and the cabinet that I'd painted white several months ago had turned into a yellowing eyesore. And the paint in the shower was chipping.
What was a surprise for Chris was that he was nominated as the primary makeover laborer.
I painted the cabinet, and then turned the entire mess over to my poor husband. This is what he inherited:
Notice that it's very dark outside. We were burning the midnight oil on this one. Correction: Chris was burning the midnight oil on this one.
His trusty supervisor.
Putting the final touches on the new faucet.
More pictures to come later.
I will say, in my defense, that the bathroom looks fabulous.
And we did it with 16 hours to spare.
Piece of cake.