The theme for the coming months in the J Household is:
A Pacific Northwest Summer.
Instead of being our normal lazy selves on the weekends (have I told you about my legendary napping habit?), we're going to go forth! Be active. Be adventurous. Explore! Cheaply.
I know, this is not a new concept.
But we're not going for originality. Just a good time.
In fact, we've already dipped our toes into this impulsive, mostly-local adventuring with our Olympics trip in Vancouver BC and the WA Coast Trip to Chinook and Grayland Beach. And our non-local trip to NorCal.
Next up is a weekend trip to Victoria. We're looking forward to exploring the city, watching some sailing, and sipping tea at the Fairmont Empress. Or maybe just settling for a beer at a pub. We're not sure yet.
A few other additional activities that we're tossing around for the summer include:
Exploring Mt St. Helens (I've never been, in all the years that I've lived in WA).
Soaking in a tub at Goldmeyer Hot Springs.
Camping at Cape Alava in the Olympic National Park. Maybe tackling Hurricane Ridge, as well.
Backpacking. More than once. Maybe in Spider Meadow?
Other not-so-local adventures that will have to wait a few years are:
Bear-watching in Alaska
Yellowstone exploring
Springtime in Death Valley
Mountain biking or trekking in Moab/Arches National Park
Sierra Nevada Mountains (specifically, the Sierra Club Lodge outside of Truckee, CA)
Grand Canyon (To the bottom! And then back up!)
And, of course, between this adventurous exploring, we'll be attempting to complete loads o' house stuff. Fun activities like mowing the lawn, painting the kitchen, and chasing chickens. Can't wait.
What are your favorite local activities?