So, clearly, dear readers, you are a bunch of overachievers. Nearly half of you can name all nine justices?
Brainiacs. Disgusting, really.
Here are the results:
2 (1 - Stevens. Since you included his name in the poll)
2 (2 - 3 Who cares? They're a bunch of doddering old fools that don't have any impact on my life)
2 (4 - 5 I'm struggling. Help)
1 (6-8 - So close. But I forgot the name of the newest one)
5 (All 9 - Oh yeah, baby! I aced US History, thankyouverymuch)
Votes so far: 12
Poll closed
For the rest of you, don't worry one iota if you can get all of 'em, you're ahead of the game:
According to a December 2005 national survey conducted by FindLaw, only 43 percent of
American adults can name at least one justice who is currently serving on the nation's highest court.
Fifty-seven percent of Americans can't name any current U.S. Supreme Court justices.
[Sonja here: For SHAME America. Step it up.]
American adults can name at least one justice who is currently serving on the nation's highest court.
Fifty-seven percent of Americans can't name any current U.S. Supreme Court justices.
[Sonja here: For SHAME America. Step it up.]
The percentages of Americans who could name each current justice were as follows:
- Sandra Day O'Connor - 27% (no longer serving)
- Clarence Thomas - 21%
- John Roberts - 16%
- Antonin Scalia - 13%
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg - 12%
- Anthony Kennedy - 7%
- David Souter - 5% (no longer serving)
- Stephen Breyer - 3%
- John Paul Stevens - 3%
The national survey used a representative sample of 1,000 adults nationwide,
with a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points, and conducted for by Ipsos Public Affairs.
And, of course, we now have Justices Sotomayor and Alito.with a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points, and conducted for by Ipsos Public Affairs.
So, the current list (soon to change) is:
- Samuel Alito
- Clarence Thomas
- John Roberts
- Antonin Scalia
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Anthony Kennedy
- Sonia Sotomayor
- Stephen Breyer
- John Paul Stevens (retiring)
Interesting factoid, five of the justices are catholic, yet only 24% of the US population considers
themselves to belong that faith. Two are jewish, one protestant, and one episcopalian.
Time to get creative, Obama. How about a gay Asian atheist? A transgender Native American Buddhist?
Let's shake things up a bit.