After my spectacular easter egg dying failure, I was marginally able to redeem myself with these rather creative spring time desserts. It only looks like sweetly potted flower, instead, it's a scrumptious combination of cake, ice cream, and crushed cookies. Yum! I can't take any credit for the idea as it came directly from here.
Step 1: Wash out your pots. Especially if you're using ones that have been previously occupied by plants and dirt.
Add a chunk of cake to the bottom (in this case, a plain yellow cupcake)
Stick a drinking straw into the cake.
Add ice cream. We used the last of our homemade vanilla.
Grind up oreos in a food processor. It makes for surprisingly realistic 'dirt'.
Clip the straws off just below the dirt. Pick fresh flowers, insert them into the straws and PRESTO!!:
Tasty springtime desserts!
FYI: It's best to removed both plants and straws before digging in.