You may remember that back in mid-February we posted a few pictures and the promise that we were "Currently toiling away on a project that involves old wood, paint, and not-so-sexy dust masks".
Exhibits A, B & C:
Exhibits A, B & C:
At the time, we gave no clues as to what exactly we were doing with doors and spray paint.
Our apologies.
Frankly, this project got bumped down a few spaces on the endless Things-To-Do List thanks to some outdoor projects on which we labored last weekend.
But early this afternoon the sky clouded over and we decided it was time for some indoor activities.
So, take an old door, paint, elbow grease, and a few screws and voila!
A new headboard for the guest room.
This is what the room looked like before. Nice yellow walls but a space that looked oh-so-plain.
After sanding, fillings holes, and a few coats of paint, the headboard was ready for mounting. Time to break out the drill.
Add some long screws..
And a helpful dog..
Well, maybe not so helpful. But definitely interested in being in the center of things..
And we're done! A nice headboard to spice up the bed.
Still need to add some artwork on the wall above but I need a few months to work up the courage to drill holes in the plaster walls.
So, now that we have a pretty guest room, COME VISIT US!
One project down, 107,386 more to go...