Monday, September 28, 2009
Not Vintage: The Inevitable Future
This summer we've had quite a few conversations about death and dying. Not exactly a cheery subject matter. But important nonetheless. Those longtime readers of our blog know that I have a grandfather that is 98 years old. This guy:
He, fortunately, has been very clear about his burial wishes, which, although the subject is uncomfortable and painful, makes it easier to handle. He wants his ashes to be spread on Donner Summit, in the Sierra Nevadas, about five miles from where this picture was taken. It's a beautiful mountain: the peak overlooks Donner Lake, with vast granitic mountains beyond. The train tracks wind their way under the mountain below and you can still see the rope marks on the trees where the pioneers (including the ill-fated Donner party) hauled their wagons over the summit. It's beautiful. And sad. A lot of history has traveled those mountains and given that my grandfather has also seen his share of years, an appropriate spot.