We had our third wedding anniversary a few weeks back and Chris arranged a fabulous trip down to Portland for the weekend, complete with activities and delicious meals. Since it was a trip in celebration of a marital mile marker, we decided to be a bit anti-social and purposely neglected to contact acquaintances within the area...forgive us dear Portland friends. We love you and promise to visit again soon.
So, without further ado, here are a few photos from our P-Town adventure:
Is it wrong that my favorite parts of the house were the bathrooms?
Later we headed off to our overnight accommodations, the newly opened Nines Hotel in Downtown Portland. It was a great choice, despite the decorator's love of all things Tiffany Blue.
Again, I was most enthusiastic about the bathrooms. Hmm, I see a theme here. But seriously, how often do you encounter a bathroom with nifty half flush toilets?
Despite my initial enthusiasm, I was fairly disappointed by the toilets. The half flush option did not dispense a sufficient quality of water to flush down a square or two of toilet paper. Clearly, if a person of the female persuasion was going to use this toilet, it would require the full flush option, regardless of her output choice. Bummer. We were pondering these for our house but we're going to have to do a bit more research.
After a quick nap, it was off to dinner at Jake's Famous Crawfish Restaurant. I cannot believe that I neglected to photograph the mountain of crawfish that arrived at our table. Chris tackled the crawfish, while I munched on clams, mussels and squid. It was a feast. Did I mention that Chris had to roll me down the street afterwards? Yes, I ate that much.
Fortunately, Powell's Books was right around the corner (and downhill) so I didn't have far to roll. I think that I'd like to live permanently at Powell's. I'm amazed that we escaped with only one purchase:
Afterwards, a nice mosey through Portland's Saturday Market
(despite the fact that it was Sunday)
And then a short jaunt down to the Oreg
on Brewer's Festival.

Oh my, what a lot of alcohol. We focused on the Washington brews but also sampled some lovely beers with hints of raspberry, ginger, coconut, and chocolate (eh, not all in the same drink, of course).
We also gorged on Ethiopian food (me), New York Food (aka pizza) (Chris) and fried food (elephant ears) (both of us). YUM!
And then, it was time to head home. A quick but great trip. Thanks to Team M for holding down the fort!