Our Blue Moon hive was also looking good. They recently released their new queen from her cage and she had just begun to place some eggs in the prepared cells. We were initially worried that this hive was honey-bound, meaning that the queen had no place to lay her eggs because they frames were filled with honey, but she has an excellent space in the lower deep. We're keeping our fingers crossed.
We have one family member that is definitely not pleased with our bees. Bailey. Perhaps it is his bear-like appearance, but whenever he wanders into close proximity of the hives, the guards zoom over and badger him mercilessly. He, too, has been stung a few times. Nowadays, when we prepare to open up the hives, he turns tail and seeks shelter as far as possibly from the angry bee ladies, in this case: inside the house, upstairs, down the hall, in the bathroom, and behind the toilet. Poor old dog.