A quick note: Casa=House. For some reason, I can't help but call a house a casa. You can blame this directly on my three housemates from junior year of college who had just spent a semester in Sevilla, Spain. Things quickly morphed from normal, english nouns and adjectives to their spanish (with funny sounding accents from Spain) translations. Hence the term casa. Thank you Pete, Linds, and Nate. We'll think up a proper name for the house eventually but for now we call it the casa or The Brick House. Not very original, eh? Regardless, now that we've got that cleared up, let's move on to the pictures.
First up: The front of the house. The house is a fair ways off the street on a gentle hill. Frankly, the hill didn't seem so gentle at 7 AM this morning when I was hauling the garbage and recycle cans down to the street. At one point the garage can decided that I was moving too slowly and made a wild break down the slope, throwing bags of detritus in its wake. I was not amused. Anyway, this is the front of the house. The garage is on the right, the deck on top. Our living room is on the right hand side (looking over the porch). The dining room is on the left. Bedrooms are on the upper floor.

This is one of the aspects of the house of which we're most appreciative: the view (minus the telephone pole). Here is a shot looking east at the lovely Lake Washington. On a clear day, the Cascade Mountains can be spied in the background.

This is why I'm not posting many current pictures. This was our dining room a couple days ago. Not very visually pleasing, eh? We're slowing working on it, I promise.