Day of the Chicken will soon be upon us! We are getting ready to amble down to our local feed store to pick up our little critters. Upon arrival, they'll spend the first month in our basement, basking in the warming glow of a heat lamp, eating yummy chick mash, and pooping [large amounts of chick mash]. Sounds like an idyllic life, eh?

BUT, they will soon need an outdoor chicken coop in which to pass their days. We plan to fill this space (once a former infestation of english ivy, now completely cleared thanks to the hard work of Katherine and Greg, pictures coming soon):
With a chicken coop (perhaps a bit like this):

SO, that it where you, dear readers, come in: We need lumber!! aka pieces, bits, chunks of wood! Stuff like this:

Perhaps you have some, sitting in back of your yard, stuffed in the basement? Just waiting to be turned into a gorgeous chicken abode? We'll take anything that is available, provided that it isn't rotted.
Also, anyone have any old windows?
Single pane ones are a-ok. We'd like to give our chickens a room with a view. Or maybe just to allow Bailey to peer into the coop and dream of a tasty chicken dinners....Sadly for Bailey, our chickens are not destined for the stew pot; instead, we're hoping they produce large quantities of lovely, fresh eggs.

Oh yeah: I forgot to discuss payment options! We'd love to pay you - in eggs. When our wee little ladies start producing. Or perhaps in jars of jam? we have lots...
Muchas Gracias!!!