Heh. Judging by the number of comments on my facebook page, nobody, except my mother-in-law, particularly liked my April Fool's Joke. One friend called me up to [mock] complain, which turned out to be awesome since a nice chatty conversation was long overdue. It was kind of funny, right? [And thank you to all you SoCal folks that ever so nicely pointed out that it was a balmy 80 degrees down there today. That so doesn't help my rain-induced depression] [And thank you to Mindy who graciously put up with me incorporating her, her apartment, and her lovely dog, into my ruse]
My mom told me about a prank that someone at her work played once: put a packet of undissolved gelatin into the toilet bowl. It will solidify and any unsuspecting coworkers will find that their, um, deposit, has unique, walking/floating-on-water abilities. I'm not quite sure how you get rid of the gelatin. Do you suppose it all flushes down?
Then there was the time that we quietly removed the towel and clothes belonging to a fellow dorm mate as she was in the shower. She burst into the common area having wrapped herself in the white [and shockingly transparent] shower curtain. Ginny, we sincerely owe you a heartfelt apology. That was not a nice prank.
For St. Patty's day I always dye my dad's beer green, which results in a nice green mouth/tongue as the bottles are darkly colored and you can't tell that you're imbibing a wickedly green drink until you appear with clover-colored lips. I didn't do that this year... perhaps I should get on that.
And then there was the pile of fake dog poo that I placed under a classmate's desk in 6th grade. Thank you Archie McPhee...
Ok, your turn! What is the best/worst/funniest prank you've either played or had played on you? I'd tell you about the prank that involved a frozen cookie sheet of pee that someone slid under the door of a dorm mate but I can't verify that one as I was not present for the actual event...