We went for a nice stroll in St. Edwards State Park yesterday. It was a nice relaxing hike after our bike ride on Saturday. I have finally discovered the fine art of drafting (on a bicycle). Not sure why it took so long but it's heaven on earth. And probably just about the only time you'll see me maintaining 17 mph over long distances unless it's one heck of a long down hill. Yep, I'm a slow rider. This is good though: Chris can get a decent workout while riding with me and I can keep up with him without killing myself. I tried my newfound drafting techniques while trudging (on foot) up the hill yesterday after Chris but it doesn't work so well when not on a bicycle. 

The Crazy Dog (aka Bailey) has taken up a new sport: Kayak Chasing. We were not amused. Nor was the kayaker. We're going to have to nip this one in the bud.
Not sure what is up with the weird formatting. I'll try to fix it when my computer has more battery.