-Dave Mustaine
After four lovely years of living in Southern California, we have decided to head north and are officially moving to Seattle in mid December 2008.

Orange County has been filled with lots of pleasant times, new friends, fulfilling jobs, the beginning of our marriage, and the addition of our beloved pup to our little family.
But the traffic, smog and distances from family were taking their toll upon us and an opportunity came up for Chris that couldn't be passed up. So come December we'll be packing our bags and heading home to the Rainy City. We're looking forward to green trees, clean(er) air, and brimming lakes. And family, of course.
Thank you to the wonderful friends that we've made down here; hopefully we'll be able to visit every now and again.
So, for all you Seattle dwellers, please let us know if you spot any lovely homes for sale that are in close proximity to the Burke Gilman Trail. We're hoping for bike riding accessibility and dog walking opportunities. While we'll probably end up renting for a while, we're eventually hoping to find a place to call home permanently.
And if you're in the market for a fantastic environmental scientist, I know an excellent candidate. Her professional website can be found here.