We had a pretty quiet weekend. Chris went on a bike ride around Santiago Canyon with some buddies on Saturday. I slept in. This morning we got an early start and headed up to O'Neill Regional Park with Bailey.

Despite the fact that it looks like he's watering the bushes, Chris is actually deciding which trail we're going to take.

It's been really hot lately; too warm for Bailey's backpack. He's not a warm-weather pup.

What's your opinion: Is this a horse or a dog? We passed it (along with Bailey) while exploring new trails.

Any ideas on this plant? It has orange squash-like flowers but round, watermelon-looking fruit.

This was the find of the day. Chris was on fire; not only did he find this tarantula but he also discovered a flattened
western fence lizard. I think we have a budding biologist on our hands!
Too bad it was only the legs; the rest of the body had been devoured by various other critters. (double click on the photos for a closeup)