Mindy, Heather and I took a quick camping trip this weekend out to Cleveland National Forest near Lake Elsinore. Bailey and Echo tagged along.
We didn't spot any rattlesnakes on this trip although we did see this guy while out walking and a small garter snake zipped between my feet while carrying camping gear to our site. It was quite exciting.
Attack of the gooey centipedes
It was hot and buggy out. The dogs pretty much chilled in the shade while we set up camp and played cards.
Hanging out.
Braiding hair.
We were all surprised by the wildflower variety out on the trail. This is pretty green for June in Orange County.
Climbing trees.
Bitchen' grilled cheese samis.
This wouldn't be a proper camping trip if I didn't take pictures of all the encountered critters.
This guy landed on my shirt and was kind enough to stay put for the duration of the photo.