Monday, March 17, 2008

Water Adventures

We got the pictures back from Costco today. They're not great but about what you'd expect from a disposable $8 underwater camera. The water clarity wasn't ideal for a couple of the dives and that likely contributed to the cloudy look.

Bob, Alex, and Chris before the start of our snorkeling adventureWater babies Chris and Alex

One of my all-time favorite fish: the puffer

Yep, that's me with the stylin' neon yellow snorkel maskChris (cool photo, eh?)

(Sonja and Chris)

Bob and Cherie
(Aren't they the cutest? They hold hands when they snorkel!)
A School of unidentified fish

Sonja diving deep

On the penultimate day of the trip our trusty digital camera spit out a 'zoom error' message and refused to take any more pictures. This is truly a crisis in our family. Consider the following: as of today (3-18-2008), we have taken 907 photos. So, if you estimate that we've taken 1,000 in a three month period, that works out to roughly 4,000 photos a year. so yeah, a broken camera is a crisis in our family. Chris brought it home, did some research on the web, gave it a couple hard whacks on the side of the desk, and miraculously, it started working again. Hooray. Actually, it would have been ok if it hadn't started working again too because then we could have purchased a new camera with an underwater case. Maybe next year.