Work, as usual, is taking up most of our time. Chris has also been involved with lots of school projects but we're both eagerly looking forward to the end of the trimester in August. I'm just about to start a class at UC Irvine again. It has the exciting title of Groundwater Contamination Issues in Southern California. Yeah, I know, it doesn't sound thrilling but I'm actually looking forward to it. Southern California, due to its arid climate and huge population, has to put a tremendous amount of thought and energy into obtaining drinking water. California, along with other western states such as Arizona and New Mexico divvy up much of the Colorado River but we still have a trouble providing for all our residents. Actually, let's amend that: California still has trouble providing water for California's residents and their green, grassy lawns. Heaven forbid we'd have to stop watering our lawns! Anyway, I'm excited about my groundwater class because I deal with groundwater contamination issues on an everyday basis with my job and I'm excited to learn more.
My uncle Bill and cousin Jesse have been down visiting. Bill is taking Jesse around to all his old haunts in the Los Angeles Area as well as visiting relatives and going to Disneyland.
Chris' buddy from Anchorage Ken was also down visiting last weekend with his girlfriend Heather. It was nice to see Ken and meet Heather.
Other than that, we've been trying to survive the heat. Poor Bails is the worst off. We set up our kiddie pool and I plan to spend most of today in the water with a drink and a good book.
My friend Amanda had the excellent idea of starting a bookclub and we've just started a book called Sisters by Lori Lansens. My downfall is that I've never been good at reading a chapter at a time. I'm too impatient and I find myself reading ahead. I'm trying to be good though this time and I think I'm only a couple (or a few more) sections ahead this time. My strategy has been to switch in other books like Farley Mowat's The Dog Who Wouldn't Be and Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice (Probably my two all-time favorite books).
That's about all I have to report. Have a safe and happy fourth. And with that, I'm off to the pool.