Waking up after a pitiful five hours of sleep has its own challenges, though. At ThinkGeek, we're always looking for new ways to haul your lazy butt out of bed. Normal alarm clocks wake you up with loud noises to jar you into wakefulness, however we've become accustomed to the snooze-bar… Now, it's become muscular instinct to flail your hands roughly in the direction of the noise, and smack! Nine more minutes of blissful unconsciousness. No more.
The Flying Alarm Clock wakes you up with a loud shrieking alarm coupled with a little propeller-driven key that leaps off your nightstand. To turn off the horrible racket, you have to get out of bed and retrieve the key. The propeller flies the key high into the air and off into some dusty corner. You have to force your sleep addled brain into wakefulness, move your stiff legs and retrieve the key before the alarm goes off. By the time you've done so, you're awake enough at least to go make a pot of coffee.